Pete Glastonbury's Avebury Grand Tour

A panoramic voyage covering the Avebury landscape with 360 degree panoramic photographs.
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Six years in the making this incredible series of panoramic images covers the whole of the Avebury stone circles
and environs including the little visited outlying smaller stone circles such as the following,

Falkners Stone Circle dig, August 2003
Falkners Circle

Avebury's Smaller Stone Circles

The CD includes all the excavation photos of finds and reports from 1999 to 2004
by the Negotiating Avebury project and other independent smaller digs.

Knoll Down August dig 2004
Knoll down dig
All published reports on the excavations are available as PDF documents.

Long Barrows and round barrows can be seen in stunning views taken throughout all the seasons.

West Kennet and Silbury Hill August 2004

Take a panoramic journey along the length of the massive earthwork the Wansdyke with all it's nearby earthworks.

Wansdyke at Shepherds Shore May 2004

Explore the many sarcen drifts of scattered sarcen stones from Fyfield to Piggledown, Monkton Down and Beckhampton penning.
Including special stones such as the Pollishing stone and the Cup Marked stone,
an example of the very few engravings on a stone in the county of Wiltshire.

Cup Marked Stone July 2004

The tour extends along the Vale of Pewsey to the little visited Marden Henge and includes the causedwayed enclosures
of Windmill hill and Knap Hill.
Knap Hill

More details of the Avebury grand Tour
Details of the CD's

Astronomy and Stone Circles

Avebury's Smaller Stone Circles

British Henge photos from the air

Slideshows & Screensavers

The Avebury Grand Tour comes as 2 CD Roms and is available Now.
Order Here
To request more information please send an email to me at


All images copyright © Pete Glastonbury and may not be used in any media without written permission.